Who's winning?
As part of a series of articles about the millennials The Guardian created this visualization that lets users find out how his/her income compares with every other generation. The user has to enter his/her age and from which of the 8 presented countries (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, US, Canada, and Australia) he/she comes from, and the visualization show how rich or poor he/she is compared with other age groups, how much better (or worse) he/she would have been at other points in the last few decades, and how it would be if he/she lived in any of the other countries.

Source: The Guardian
URL: http://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2016/mar/07/whos-winning-find-out-how-your-income-compares-with-every-other-generation
Date of Publication: March 7, 2016
Authors: Caelainn Barry and Carlo Zapponi
Narrative Elements
Visual Elements
Interactive Elements
Reading/Viewing Order
- User Directed Path