2014 Was the Hottest Year on Record

This line chart allows the users to see the recorded temperatures by month over 135 years. On mouse hover the user is able to see how much the average temperature on a given month and year differs from the 20th century average temperature and if that month/year combination has the highest temperature for that month on all the years recorded that information is displayed. The lines on the chart are presented one by one using animation (which can be replayed) and at the end of the animation all years are displayed and 2014 is highlighted because it was the hottest year on average.

2014 Was the Hottest Year on Record

Source: Bloomberg
URL: http://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2014-hottest-year-on-record/
Date of Publication: Jan. 16, 2015
Authors: Blacki Migliozzi and Tom Randall

Narrative Elements

Visual Elements

Interactive Elements


Reading/Viewing Order

  • User Directed Path

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