Tracking the Oil Spill in the Gulf
This visualization is an interactive map tracking the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, that also includes a considerable amount of models about the oil cleanup system, videos about it, and information on the impact of the spil. This map was one of the first published on the event and reveals the extent of the oil spill day by day. With this visualization the user can discover where oil was on each day, where the oil has made landfall, the efforts to stop the leak, the effects on wildlife, information about the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, and the final moments on the rig.

Source: The New York Times
Date of Publication: Aug. 2, 2010
Authors: Amy Schoenfeld, Archie Tse, Erin Aigner, Haeyoun Park, Joanne Nurse, Joe Burgess and Shan Carter
Narrative Elements
Visual Elements
Interactive Elements
Reading/Viewing Order
- User Directed Path